A national innovation network for the diseases of the aging brain is established that organizes annual joint partnership meetings, local educations programs to increase the attractiveness of the area and stimulate entrepreneurship
There will be increased collaboration between academia, national methodological platforms, healthcare and corporate drug discovery and development
There will be more innovation in preclinical discovery and development in research companies
There will be funding from Horizon 2020 / Eurostars, EIT Health and IMI
BY 2025:
There will be innovations developed in the field of biomarkers and neurotechnology
There will be well-organized joint national quality registers and biobanking facilities to support all stakeholders in the innovation process that will become role models and the global standard
Sweden will be an attractive venue for clinical trials with Swedish clinics as obvious partners
BY 2035:
There will be at least two Swedish SMEs transformed from a research company to a drug discovery and development business with future marketing and sales capabilities
There will be at least one new treatment based on a Swedish innovation that cures or prevents the development of AD or PD, or that restores function and minimizes disability after stroke
There will be diagnostic Instruments developed (laboratory-based biomarkers, brain imaging algorithms, in silica quantitative prediction models) and clinical evaluation instruments for the efficient evaluation of clinical products (computer based, medical)
There will be neurotechnology products (computer games, robots, tools) on the market
There will be an increased presence of international pharmaceutical companies in the field in Sweden